Waiver Agreement

By registering for this event, you agree to this waiver agreement and to the following terms:

1) The participant agrees that their participation in any Disability Partnerships event/ class is voluntary. Additionally, the participant agrees to assume any risk that is associated with participating in the event and releases Disability Partnerships from any and all claims of damage and loss that may be as a result of participation. The release is without limitation and includes the personal injury fees, attorney’s fees and any other losses that might occur to the participant.

2) The participant agrees to hold Disability Partnerships  harmless against all claims of damage and loss including damage to (host company) property caused by the participant.

3) The participant hereby warrants that they are physically fit and able to participate in any event they attend without any undue risk.

4) Disability Partnerships  maintains that the right to refuse the participation in any event if they foresee that participation would risk damage to any party.

5) This waiver agreement is governed by the laws of (participant state). Any legal claims or lawsuits related to the precipitants in the event/class shall take place in courts located in (participant city) (participant state)

6) The participant agrees that this waiver agreement shall remain in full force and take effect without change and that participation in the event/ class is pursuit to the terms of the agreement

7) If you do NOT give Disability Partnerships permission to use your picture and likeness in marketing materials, please indicate in the chat for each class "no picture permission".