Wheels of Defense

As a result of their physical vulnerabilities, research shows women with disabilities often have much higher rates of abuse and sexual assault than able-bodied women, and are often subject to unwanted touching and verbal harassment. “Wheels of Defense” is an innovative program idea designed to strengthen the safety of women who use a wheelchair for mobility. We partner with Defend Yourself, a Washington, DC based organization, to provide self defense instruction personalized for people of all abilities.

The courses are free of charge for the attendees and the organization provides a small stipend to the attendees for transportation. Disability Partnerships launched the “Wheels of Defense” in late Summer 2016. Initially, the program launched in the Washington, DC, metro area but there are plans to expand across the country.

Main Goals

+ Increase the confidence of women with disabilities

+ Equip women with disabilities with tools and strategies to deal with intrusions from both harassment and attack

+ Strengthen the commitment of women with disabilities to reintegrate within the community

“According to a 2015 Department of Justice Report, the rate of violence victimization for persons with disabilities was more than twice the rate than persons without disabilities."